Olivier Simonin

Professor in Computer Science
Head of Inria team CHROMA (Inria Lyon & Inria Grenoble)
INSA de Lyon, Telecom. Dept., Université de Lyon, France
Member of CITI Lab.

Keywords: A.I. (decision-making, reinf. learning, multi-agent systems, planning, self-organized systems, bio-inspiration), Multi-robot systems, Swarm robotics, Autonomous vehicles, Simulation.

Short CV:

Olivier Simonin received his B.Sc., M.Sc. and PhD in Computer Science in 1995, 1997 and 2001 respectively, from Université Montpellier II (LIRMM Laboratory), France. From 2002 to 2006 he was Associate Professor of computer science at UTBM "Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard" (France) and a member of the SeT laboratory (Systems and Transport) in the multiagent team (ICAP). In 2006, he joined the LORIA Laboratory in Nancy as member of the INRIA project-team MaIA (Autonomous and Intelligent Machines) and, in 2007, became Associate Professor at Université de Lorraine (Nancy 1). In 2010, he completed his habilitation (French HDR diploma) from Nancy 1 University. In 2013, he became full Professor at INSA Lyon and CITI-Inria Lab., joining the team Dynamid. In 2015, he created the INRIA CHROMA team (Cooperative and Human-aware Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environments) common with INSA. His main research topics are at the intersection of AI and Robotics : i) decentralized decision making in multi-agent and multi-robot systems, ii) meta-heuristics optimization and swarm intelligence iii) multi-robot planning and learning. His main application domains are service robotics, autonomous vehicles/transport and deployment of fleet of UAVs. Since 2002, he has published 20 articles in international journals and books and about 70 international conference long papers (eg. in AAMAS, IROS, ICRA, IJCAI, ECAI, etc.). He serves as Senior Editor at IEEE IROS conference (period 2023-25). Olivier Simonin supervized 18 PhD. students (3 are in progress) and many Master students. He is the PI of the ANR "VORTEX" project (2023-28, 695K€). He was in charge of the "Multi-robot inspection" work-package in the european project H2020 "BugWright2" (2020-24). He also led the AI Inria-DGA project "DynaFlock" (2019-22, 250K€). He was the initiator of three european PHC projects with Romania (2017-18), Czech Republic (2014-15) and Slovenia (2006-09), and an active member of several international other projects (e.g. "ENABLE-S3" H2020 european projet, "InTraDe" Interreg european project, STIC-Asie "Scout"). In 2012 he has won the French ANR/DGA Robotics challenge "Carotte" as a member of the "Cartomatic" team and coordinator of the LORIA partner. In 2023, he received the INSA Lyon medal for his involvement in the Robocup competition with the LyonTech team.

PhD. students:


Past :

Selected publications:

  • Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems - ITS Journal
    "Solving Multi-Agent Routing Problems using Deep Attention Mechanisms",
    IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, accepted (15/06/20), to appear.
    G. Bono, J. Dibangoye, O. Simonin, L. Matignon, F. Pereyron
  • Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems - JINT
    "A Common Optimization Framework for Multi-Robot Exploration and Coverage in 3D Environments",
    Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems, Springer, accepted (2/09/20), to appear.
    A. Renzaglia, J. Dibangoye, V. Ledoze, O. Simonin
  • IROS 2020 (A)
    "Modeling a Social Placement Cost to Extend Navigation Among Movable Obstacles (NAMO) Algorithms",
    2020 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, accepted, to appear in Proc.
    B. Renault, J. Saraydaryan, O. Simonin
  • ECCV 2020 (A)
    "Learning to plan with uncertain topological maps",
    European Conference on Computer Vision 2020, accepted, to appear.
    E. Beeching, J. Dibangoye, O. Simonin, C. Wolf
  • ACM MSWiM 2020 (A)
    "Leveraging Antenna Orientation to Optimize Network Performance of Fleets of UAVs"
    The 23nd ACM International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems
    (accepted full paper) to appear in Proc. MSWiM'20, ACM.
    R. Grünblatt, I. Guérin-Lassous, O. Simonin
  • IV 2019 (Intelligent Vehicles)
    "Validation of Perception and Decision-Making Systems for Autonomous Driving via Statistical Model Checking",
    IV 2019 - 30th IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Jun 2019, Paris, France. pp.1-8
    M. Barbier, A. Renzaglia, J. Quilbeuf, L. Rummelhard, A. Paigwar, C. Laugier, A. Legay, J. Ibanez-Guzman, O. Simonin
  • "Multi-Robot Simultaneous Coverage and Mapping of Complex Scene - Comparison of Different Strategies"
    AAMAS 2018 full paper, Robotics track, to appear in proc.
    L. Matignon, O. Simonin
  • "Localisation of humans, objects and robots interacting on load-sensing floors"
    IEEE Sensors Journal: Volume 16, Issue 4 (2016)
    M. Andries, O. Simonin, F. Charpillet

    "Revisiting wavefront construction with collective agents: an approach to foraging"
    Swarm Intelligence: Volume 8, Issue 2 (2014), Page 113-138
    O. Simonin, F. Charpillet, E. Thierry

    "Stop-Free Strategies for Traffic Networks: Decentralized On-line Optimization"
    in Proceedings of ECAI'2014, pp. 1191-1196, 2014.
    A. Tlig, O. Buffet, O. Simonin

    "MinPos : a Novel Frontier Allocation Algorithm for Multi-robot Exploration",
    ICIRA 2012/LNAI 7507 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications (IEEE) In proc. ICIRA'2012 Part II
    Springer's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pp 496-508, Finalist for the Best Student Paper, 2012
    A. Bautin, O. Simonin, F. Charpillet

    "Improving near-to-near lateral control of platoons without communication"
    IROS'11 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (32% accepted) in proceedings IEEE IROS'11, pp. 4103-4108, 2011
    J. Yazbeck, A. Scheuer, O. Simonin, F. Charpillet

    "Translating Discrete Multi-Agents Models into Cellular Automata, Application to Diffusion-Limited Aggregation"
    CCIS 67 Communications in Computer and Information Sciences series, Springer, pp 32-49, 2010
    A. Spicher, N. Fates, O. Simonin

    "Influence of Different Execution Models on Patrolling Ants Behavior : from Agents to Robots"
    AAMAS'10 9th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems In proceedings of AAMAS'10, Toronto Canada, May 10 - 14, pp. 1173-1180, 2010
    A. Glad, O. Simonin, O. Buffet, F. Charpillet

    "A cooperative multi-robot architecture for moving a paralyzed robot",
    MECHATRONICS The Science of Intelligent Machines, An International Journal, Elsevier, Mechatronics 19 (4) pp. 463-470, 2009
    O. Simonin, O. Grunder

    "Location Problems Optimization by a Self-Organizing Multiagent Approach"
    MAGS Multiagent and Grid Systems - An International Journal (IOS Press), MAGS 5(1) (2009) pp. 59-74
    S. Moujahed, O. Simonin, A. Koukam

    "Safe Longitudinal Platoons of Vehicles without Communication"
    ICRA'09 26th IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, in Proceedings IEEE ICRA2009, Intelligent Transportation Systems session, pp. 70-75, 2009
    A. Scheuer, O. Simonin, F. Charpillet

    "Theoretical study of ant-based algorithms for multi-agent patrolling"
    ECAI'08 18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in proceedings ECAI'08 pp. 626-630, 2008
    A. Glad, O. Simonin, O. Buffet, F. Charpillet

    "Simulation and Evaluation of Urban Bus Networks using a Multiagent Approach"
    SIMPAT International Journal Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory (Elsevier), vol. 15, pp 659-671, 2007
    D. Meignan, O. Simonin, A. Koukam

    "Self-Organizing Multiagent Approach to Optimization in Positioning Problems"
    ECAI'06 17th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, in proceedings pp. 275-279 (selection: 26%) 2006
    S. Moujahed, O. Simonin, A. Koukam, K. Ghédira

    "A Formal Framework to Design and Reuse Agent and Multiagent Models"
    LNCS 3382 "Agent-Oriented Software Engineering V" (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) Springer-Verlag, p. 142-157, 2005
    V. Hilaire, O. Simonin, A. Koukam, J. Ferber

    "Implementation and Evaluation of a Satisfaction/Altruism Based Architecture for Multi-Robot Systems"
    ICRA'2002 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation  Proc. pp. 1007-1012   2002
    P. Lucidarme, O. Simonin and A. Liégeois

    "How Situated Agents can Learn to Cooperate by Monitoring their Neighbors' Satisfaction"
    ECAI'2002 15th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence  in Proc. pp 68-72 , 2002
    J. Chapelle, O. Simonin, J. Ferber

    "Modeling Self Satisfaction and Altruism to handle Action Selection and Reactive Cooperation"
    SAB'2000 The Sixth International Conference on the Simulation of Adaptative Behavior, FROM ANIMALS TO ANIMATS 6 (Paris, France) ,
    in proceedings Supplement SAB 2000, pp 314-323, 2000
    O. Simonin and J. Ferber

    Contact Information

    CITI-Inria Lab.
    Office: 119
    Mailing address: CITI-Inria Lab.
    Bat. Claude Chappe, 6 avenue des Arts
    69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
    +33 (0)472 436 422 office
    +33 (0)472 437 322 lab (Assistant)
    +33 (0)472 436 227 lab fax (telling me beforehand)

    olivier (dot) simonin (at) insa-lyon (dot) fr

    Report problems to olivier.simonin (at) insa-lyon.fr