Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit
Walid Bechkit


Main current research topics

  • UAV networks for monitoring highly dynamic pollution plumes: spatio-temporal prediction & path planning.
    New spatio-temporal prediction architectures. Reinforcement Learning based path planning solutions.
  • Energy-efficient neural networks for resource-constrained platforms.
    Evaluation and comparisons of pruning, data selection, and growing neural networks. New data selection solutions.
  • Security, key management and malicious traffic detection in IoT
  • Optimal deployment and scheduling of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) for air quality monitoring.
    New efficient phenomenon-aware models for sensor placement & scheduling. Multidisciplinary research.
  • Design and development of low-cost sensor platforms for air quality monitoring (generic, optimized and reliable).
    Successful deployment in Lyon (2018), Onshore industrial site (Since 2019) and Offshore industrial site (Since 2021).

Some past research topics

  • Mobile participatory sensing using connected low-cost sensors: involving citizens in research.
    Design & set up of 16 nodes. Several participatory sensing campaigns. Data analysis. Route selection algorithms.
  • Spatio-temporal analysis of WiFi data: prediction of next location & residence time of WiFi users (2018-2021).
    New location embedding solution and Deep CNN architecture for next location prediction.
  • Topology control and power control for energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks (2012-2015).
    Joint connectivity-coverage temperature-aware new algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks.