Benchmark for the Group Cumulative Scheduling Problem

Group Cumulative Scheduling instances

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Composition of the archive

Each file is a gzip one. The content of each file is as follows: All times (machine starts, breaks starts and ends, due-dates, release-dates, ...) are expressed in terms of milliseconds form the start of the day (time 0). Hence a due-date equal to 50400000 means that the due date is equal to 02:00:00 PM. We can summarize the content of each file as follows:
speedMachine_1, startMachine_1, startFirstBreak_1, endFirstBreak_1, startSecondBreak_1, endSecondBreak_1, ...
speedMachine_2, startMachine_2, startFirstBreak_2, endFirstBreak_2, startSecondBreak_2, endSecondBreak_2, ...
speedMachine_m, startMachine_m, startFirstBreak_m, endFirstBreak_m, startSecondBreak_m, endSecondBreak_m, ...
customer_1 (unused), article_1, release-date_1, due-date_1, number of pieces_1, number of pieces in each package_1 (unused), group_1, roll_1
customer_2 (unused), article_2, release-date_2, due-date_2, number of pieces_2, number of pieces in each package_2 (unused), group_2, roll_2
