Les cadeaux

Eddie has bought a video cassette tape (VT), a compact disk (CD), a cassette tape (CT) and a record token (RT) as presents for his brothers' birthdays. Given the following information, what will each brother get?

  1. Alan will not get the CD unless Barry gets the VT and David gets the CT.
  2. Barry will not get the CT unless Carl gets the RT and Alan gets the VT.
  3. David will not get the RT unless Alan gets the CD and Barry gets the VT.
  4. Alan will not get the VT unless Carl gets the RT and David gets the CT.
  5. Barry will not get the VT unless Alan gets the RT and David gets the CT.
  6. Alan will not get the RT unless Barry gets the CD and Carl gets the VT.
  7. Carl will not get the RT unless Barry gets the CD and Alan gets the CT.
  8. Alan will not get the CT unless Barry gets the RT and David gets the CD.
  9. Carl will not get the VT unless David gets the CD.

Christine SOLNON
Thu Jul 10 10:26:38 METDST 1997