Les cadeaux
Eddie has bought a video cassette tape (VT), a compact disk (CD), a cassette
tape (CT) and a record token (RT) as presents for his brothers' birthdays.
Given the following information, what will each brother get?
- Alan will not get the CD unless Barry gets the VT and David gets the CT.
- Barry will not get the CT unless Carl gets the RT and Alan gets the VT.
- David will not get the RT unless Alan gets the CD and Barry gets the VT.
- Alan will not get the VT unless Carl gets the RT and David gets the CT.
- Barry will not get the VT unless Alan gets the RT and David gets the CT.
- Alan will not get the RT unless Barry gets the CD and Carl gets the VT.
- Carl will not get the RT unless Barry gets the CD and Alan gets the CT.
- Alan will not get the CT unless Barry gets the RT and David gets the CD.
- Carl will not get the VT unless David gets the CD.
Christine SOLNON
Thu Jul 10 10:26:38 METDST 1997